摘要:Organizational performance is, and will remain, a priority on the agenda of each manager within the different
hierarchy and structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the provision of a modern and professional human
resources management based on maintaining a high level of probity and professional integrity for the staff and an
increase level of authority in the community, will always be a useful indicator for assessing the efficiency and
effectiveness of institutional mid level and top management. The conduct of specific activities directly and closely
to the civilian population, the difficulty of permanently assessing the risks associated with police interventions and
the existence of various situations that can unpredictably degenerate into actions of destabilizing social order, the
deployment of police activity in high risk criminal areas, all associated with insufficient human and logistic
resources, may be factors that in most cases influence the authority of the personnel in the public order and safety
system, thus affecting both citizens and the ones charged with ensuring, maintaining and restoring public order.
The surveys carried out in the past at the level of the specialized centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
highlighted very clearly the determinants that lead to the diminution of the authority of the personnel. The
perception of respondents, both policemen, border guards, gendarmes, was almost the same, being expressed by
the fact that the diminution of authority reached a critical level and will continue to inevitably lead to negative
effects which will not be easily controlled by the organization and by the state in the medium and long term. The
survey conducted last year confirmed the results of the previous ones, the most significant effects occurring, as
the interviewees noted, were the constant diminution of the image and credit granted to the institution and its
representatives by the different categories of beneficiaries of the public services provided respectively citizens, the
civil society, other partner public organizations, aspects translated into a crisis of legitimacy, increasingly negative
not only in the public discourse or in the media, but also in the self-image of the employees.
关键词:organizational performance; organizational behavior; illegal behavior and the enforcement of law;
institutions and growth; human resources; human development; labor management; safety law; labor law;