期刊名称:International Review of Management and Business Research
期号:2 Par 3
出版社:Academy of IRMBR
摘要:This study was carried out to examine the effect of public sector expenditure on the development of the
Nigerian capital market, through an empirical examination of the transmission of capital, recurrent and
total public sector expenditure on market capitalization and value of transactions. Secondary data were
extracted, tabulated and analysed using the ordinary least square of multiple regression technique. The
study found that capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure and total government expenditure had
significant relationship with market capitalization, and total value of transaction. The study recommended,
among others, that government should take steps to strengthen the capital market and enhance public
confidence in its operation so that beneficiaries of public sector spending can channel some of this into
transactions in the capital market. The study suggested that government can use public sector expenditure
as a tool to improve the performance of the capital market in Nigeria, by re-engineering public perception
of the investment valence of the capital market.