出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in children has been associated with a number ofproblems. In contrast to adults who experience EDS and who may fall asleep or dozewhen in a monotonous or boring situation, children with EDS may present ashyperactive or poorly behaved. This community-based study aims to identify theprevalence of EDS in children from three perspectives: parent report, self-report, andteacher report. The study also explores the association between EDS and academicoutcomes in children. The participants were 365 students (161 males) aged 4-12 years,their parents, and their teachers at a regional school. Academic outcomes were based oneach student’s school grades at the conclusion of the semester in which the communitybasedsurvey was administered. Using a cutoff score of 15 or greater on the PDSS, 113(31%) students were identified by at least one respondent as displaying or experiencingEDS. EDS as observed by teachers using the PDSS was found to be associated with thestudent’s academic outcomes, higher sleepiness scores being associated with pooreracademic outcomes. Our findings suggest that the prevalence of EDS in a communitysetting may be higher than previously identified.