期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:The composition of landfill leachates is very complex and varied according to wastecomposition, length of stay, age of discharge and climatic conditions. In the event ofuncontrolled landfill and lack of treatments, leachates can lead to environmental pollutiondue to their pathogenic microbiological load and toxic substances. The objective of ourwork is to study the ecotoxicological effect of leachates from the Fkih Ben Salah landfillon the survival of the Mytilusgalloprovincialis mussel using the Kaplan-Meir method tocalculate the probability of survival and duration of survival of mussels exposed toleachate from this landfill. The parameters taken into account for this study are mainlymicrobial load (total and fecal coliforms) and trace metals (Fe, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni). Theresults of the comparison of the probability of survival of uncontaminated mussels andthose treated by leachates (C1 = 5/1000 and C2 = 10/1000) show a real ecotoxicologicalrisk on the survival of mussel studied; respectively, of the mean survival probabilities (forMarch, April and May 2016) of 0.8, 0.3 and 0.4.
关键词:Leachate; Ecotoxicology; Survival time; Fkih Ben Salah landfill; Mytilusgalloprovincialis; Mussel; Kaplan;Meier’smethod;