摘要:A linear two-level atmospheric model is employed to study the influence of ice-sheet topography on atmospheric stationary waves. In particular, the stationary-wave-induced temperature anomaly is considered locally over a single ice-sheet topography, which is computed using the plastic approximation. It is found that stationary waves induce a local cooling which increases linearly with the ice volume for ice sheets of horizontal extents smaller than ∼1400 km. Beyond this horizontal scale, the dependence of stationary-wave-induced cooling on the ice volume becomes gradually weaker. For a certain ice-sheet size, and for small changes of the surface zonal wind, it is further shown that the strength of the local stationary-wave-induced cooling is proportional to the basic state meridional temperature gradient multiplied by the vertical stratification in the atmosphere. These results are of importance for the nature of the feedback between ice sheets and stationary waves, and may also serve as a basis for parameterizing this feedback in ice-sheet model simulations (e.g. through the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles).