摘要:We conducted 4 studies testing whether residential mobility can explain why some regions have more low-commitment social groups, such as megachurches. In Study 1, we found that there are more megachurches in residentially mobile states than residentially stable states, but no difference in traditional, more high-commitment churches (controlling for population size and median income). In Study 2, we found that mobile cities had more www.meetup.com groups (controlling for population size and median income), which tend to be low-commitment groups. In Study 3, we analyzed subscription data from a large Internet service provider in Japan and found that more people in mobile prefectures ordered a low-commitment Internet plan than in less-mobile prefectures (controlling for total population and median income, the relation became marginal). In Study 4, we found that American college students who had moved more before college joined more low-commitment clubs on campus than nonmovers.
关键词:metacognitive knowledge; learning strategies; judgments of learning; the delayed JOL effect; metacognition