摘要:Anthropogenic disturbance, such as agricultural and architectural activities, can greatly influence belowground soil microbes, and thus soil formation and nutrient cycling. The objective of this study was to investigate microbial community variation in deep soils affected by strong disturbances. In present study, twelve soil samples were collected from different depths (0-300 cm) and placed onto the surface. We investigated the structure variation of the microbial community down through the soil profiles in response to disturbance originated by legume plants (robinia and clover) cultivation vs. plant-free controls. The high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes showed that microbial α-diversity decreased with depth, and that growing both plants significantly impacted the diversity in the topsoil. The soil profile was clustered into three layers: I (0-40 cm), II (40-120 cm), and III (120-300 cm); with significantly different taxa found among them. Soil properties explained a large amount of the variation (23.5%) in the microbial community, and distinct factors affected microbial assembly in the different layers, e.g., available potassium in layer I, pH and total nitrogen in layer II, pH and organic matter in layer III. The prediction of metabolic functions and oxygen requirements indicated that the number of aerobic bacteria increased with more air exposure, which may further accelerate the transformation of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, and pesticides in the soil. The diversity of soil microorganisms followed a depth-decay pattern, but became higher following legume growth and air exposure, with notable abundance variation of several important bacterial species, mainly belonging to Nitrospira, Verrucomicrobia, and Planctomycetes, and soil properties occurring across the soil profiles.