摘要:In change detection (CD) of medium-resolution remote sensing images, the threshold and clustering methods are two kinds of the most popular ones. It is found that the threshold method of the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm usually generates a CD map including many false alarms but almost detecting all changes, and the fuzzy local information c-means algorithm (FLICM) obtains a homogenous CD map but with some missed detections. Therefore, a framework is designed to improve CD results by fusing the advantages of the threshold and clustering methods. The CD map generated by the clustering method of FLICM is used to remove false alarms in the CD map obtained by EM threshold method by an overlap fusion. Then, the local Markov random field model is implemented to verify the potentially missed detections. Finally, a fused CD map with less false alarms and missed detections is achieved. Two experiments were carried out on two Landsat ETM+ data sets. The proposed method obtained the least errors (1.11% and 3.51%) and the highest kappa coefficient (0.9366 and 0.8834), respectively, when compared with five popular CD methods.