摘要:Collaborative writing (CW) research has gained prevalence in recent years. However, theways in which students interact socially to produce written texts through synchronouscollaborative writing (SCW) is rarely studied. This study aims to investigate the effects ofSCW on students’ writing products and how collaborative dialogues facilitate SCW.Following an initial analysis, 54 students were divided into 18 groups; six groups withhigher proportions of collaborative dialogue (HCD), six groups with median proportionsof collaborative dialogue (MCD), and six groups with lower proportions of collaborativedialogue (LCD). The data collected includes the students’ three reaction essays, theirtranscripts of text-based collaborative dialogues, and their writing process logs. The resultsshowed that there were significant differences between the LCD, MCD, and HCD groupsin terms of fluency and accuracy of their reaction essays. Through collaborative dialogues,students benefitted from text-based synchronous communications, such as clarifying theirlinguistic misconceptions, and receiving immediate feedback to help resolve their writingproblems. The findings suggest that students could be provided with more opportunitiesfor collaborative dialogues during the entire writing process, including the stages ofgenerating ideas, writing reaction essays, and editing.