摘要:This study examines how three captioning types (i.e., on-screen text in the same languageas the video) can assist L2 learners in the incidental acquisition of target vocabulary wordsand in the comprehension of L2 video. A sample of 133 Flemish undergraduate studentswatched three French clips twice. The control group (n = 32) watched the clips withoutcaptioning; the second group (n = 30) watched fully captioned clips; the third group (n =34) watched keyword captioned clips; and the fourth group (n = 37) watched fullycaptioned clips with highlighted keywords. Prior to the learning session, participantscompleted a vocabulary size test. During the learning session, they completed threecomprehension tests; four vocabulary tests measuring (a) form recognition, (b) meaningrecognition, (c) meaning recall, and (d) clip association, which assessed whetherparticipants associated words with the corresponding clip; and a final questionnaire.