摘要:The present article deals with the issue of how to create and operate a customizable on-lineconcordancer from viewpoints of language teachers and with their own laptops. It aims tointroduce how to use and manage this application without relying on computer engineersfor various pedagogical purposes, focusing on the four beneficial dimensions of itsinterface and technical features: accessibility, simplicity, functionality, and manageability.In addition, the carefully written directions illustrate how to implement this open-sourceapplication on laptops using pre-established or customized corpora. For those in the fieldof language teaching and learning, this application is designed to allow teachers to operatedifferent types or levels of corpora in separate spaces on one server and to enable multiplesimultaneous connections in classroom contexts. Ultimately, the authors believe that thisapplication will not only allow students to actively experience data-driven learninganywhere and anytime, but also will help teachers manage their own version of this online concordancer by autonomously uploading any kinds of source texts for corpusanalysis at their pedagogical discretion.
关键词:Autonomy; (on-line) Concordancer; Corpus Analysis; Data-Driven Learning