摘要:SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) is one of the best object detection algorithms and is able to provide high accurate object detection performance in real time. However, SSD shows relatively poor performance on small object detection because its shallow prediction layer, which is responsible for detecting small objects, lacks enough semantic information. To overcome this problem, SKIPSSD, an improved SSD with a novel skip connection of multiscale feature maps, is proposed in this paper to enhance the semantic information and the details of the prediction layers through skippingly fusing high-level and low-level feature maps. For the detail of the fusion methods, we design two feature fusion modules and multiple fusion strategies to improve the SSD detector’s sensitivity and perception ability. Experimental results on the PASCAL VOC2007 test set demonstrate that SKIPSSD significantly improves the detection performance and outperforms lots of state-of-the-art object detectors. With an input size of 300 × 300, SKIPSSD achieves 79.0% mAP (mean average precision) at 38.7 FPS (frame per second) on a single 1080 GPU, 1.8% higher than the mAP of SSD while still keeping the real-time detection speed.