摘要:In this study, the buckling analysis of a Graphene oxide powder reinforced (GOPR) nanocomposite shell is investigated. The effective material properties of the nanocomposite are estimated through Halpin-Tsai micromechanical scheme. Three distribution types of GOPs are considered, namely uniform, X and O. Also, a first-order shear deformation shell theory is incorporated with the principle of virtual work to derive the governing differential equations of the problem. The governing equations are solved via Galerkin's method, which is a powerful analytical method for static and dynamic problems. Comparison study is performed to verify the present formulation with those of previous data. New results for the buckling load of GOPR nanocomposite shells are presented regarding for different values of circumferential wave number. Besides, the influences of weight fraction of nanofillers, length and radius to thickness ratios and elastic foundation on the critical buckling loads of GOP-reinforced nanocomposite shells are explored.