摘要:Low academic performance implies that students have not acquired the knowledge needed to solve problems in their area of study. When such difficulties persist, it is more probable that students will fail and repeat subjects in subsequent academic cycles, at the risk of suspending their studies. The objective: To identify the educational and sociodemographic factors related to course failure and discontinuous academic trajectories in six medical school graduating classes. This is a descriptive, transversal, retrospective, comparative study. Sample size: 5,295 students from the graduating classes of 2004 to 2009. A questionnaire was created with 62 variables, including sociodemographic and educational factors; professional achievements and satisfaction. It was sent by email within a ten-month response period. A discriminant analysis was conducted (multivariate technique), using SPSS V25 software to determine the variables that, in their collective interaction, explain the phenomena treated in this study. The following variables are significantly associated with course failure and the suspension of studies during a student’s academic career: being employed during one’s studies; having failed grades during basic education (from ages six to fourteen); being married; and having undertaken a medical specialty. The results of this study offer new information about the importance of basic education (primary and secondary school) in relation both to academic performance during medical school and to the student’s commitment to remain up-to-date after graduating..
关键词:school drop;out rate; course failure; medical school; academic failure; undergraduate medical education