摘要:Clinical decision support system (CDSS) is promising in assisting physicians for improving decision-making process and facilitates healthcare services. In medicine, causality has become the main concern throughout healthcare and decision-making. Causality is necessary for understanding all structures ofscientific reasoning and for providing a coherent and sufficient explanation for any event. However, thereare lack of existing CDSS that provide causal reasoning for the presented outcomes or decisions. Theseare necessary for showing reliability of the outcomes, and helping the physicians in making properdecisions. In this study, an ontology-based CDSS model is developed based on several key concepts andfeatures of causality and graphical modeling techniques. For the evaluation process, the Pellet reasoneris used to evaluate the consistency of the developed ontology model. In addition, an evaluation toolknown as Ontology Pitfall Scanner is used for validating the ontology model through pitfalls detection.The developed ontology-based CDSS model has potentials to be applied in clinical practice and helpingthe physicians in decision-making process.
关键词:clinical decision support system; ontology; causality; causal reasoning; graphical modeling