首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月29日 星期六


  • 标题:Reconstruction of esophageal stenosis that had persisted for 40 years using a free jejunal patch graft with virtual endoscopy assistance
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  • 作者:Daisuke Fujisawa ; Hirotaka Asato ; Katsunori Tanaka
  • 期刊名称:Archives of Plastic Surgery
  • 印刷版ISSN:2234-6163
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:47
  • 期号:2
  • 页码:178-181
  • DOI:10.5999/aps.2019.00101
  • 出版社:The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
  • 摘要:In this report, we present a case in which good results were achieved by treatment using a free jejunal patch graft with virtual endoscopy (VE) assistance in a patient whose swallowing had failed to improve for 40 years after he mistakenly swallowed sulfuric acid, despite pectoralis major myocutaneous flap grafting and frequent balloon dilatation surgery. During the last 20 years, virtual computed tomography imaging has improved remarkably and continues to be used to address new challenges. For reconstructive surgeons, the greatest advantage of VE is that it is a noninvasive modality capable of visualizing areas inaccessible to a flexible endoscope. Using VE findings, we were able to visualize the 3-dimensional shape beyond the stenosis. VE can also help predict the area of the defect after contracture release..
  • 关键词:Virtual endoscopy; Esophageal stenosis; Burn; chemical; Jejunal transfer