首页    期刊浏览 2024年09月19日 星期四


  • 标题:Ýzmir Kokluca Köyü'nde Üç Osmanlý Çeþmesi
  • 其他标题:Three Ottoman Fountains in Izmir Kokluca Village
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  • 作者:Hasan Uçar
  • 期刊名称:History Studies : International Journal of History
  • 印刷版ISSN:1309-4688
  • 电子版ISSN:1309-4173
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:12
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:331-360
  • DOI:10.9737/hist.2020.833
  • 出版社:History Studies : International Journal of History
  • 摘要:Bu yazýnýn içeriðini Ýzmir'in Bornova Ýlçesi'ne baðlý Altýndað semtinde yer alan çeþmeler oluþturmaktadýr. Osmanlý Dönemi'nde Bornova'ya baðlý köy olan Kokluca'da (Κουκλουτζάς) çoðunlukla Rumlar yaþamaktaydý. Bu köyde var olduðu bilinen Osmanlý Dönemi'ne ait birçok yapý gümümüze ulaþamamýþtýr. Eskiköy olarak adlandýrýlan bölgede yer alan Osmanlý Dönemi'ne ait iki adet çeþme, gerek plan özellikleri gerekse cephe özellikleri açýsýndan oldukça dikkat çekicidir. Bunlardan günümüzde Acý Çeþme olarak isimlendirilen yapý, farklý dönemlerde inþa edilen iki çeþmenin birleþiminden oluþmaktadýr. Çeþme kemerlerinden biri ocak olarak tasarlanmýþtýr. Bu da çeþmeye kýsmen bir çamaþýrhane iþlevi kazandýrýldýðýný göstermektedir. Ýnþa malzemesi tam olarak anlaþýlmayan üç cepheli 1 No.lu Çeþme 18. yüzyýla; taþ ve tuðla malzeme ile inþa edilmiþ 2 No.lu Çeþme ise 19. yüzyýla ait olmalýdýr. Anonim Çeþme olarak adlandýrdýðýmýz diðer çeþme, Acý Çeþme gibi depoludur. Bu çeþme ise inþa malzemesi dikkate alýndýðýnda 19. yüzyýl sonu-20. yüzyýl baþlarýna tarihlendirilebilir. Çeþmeler süsleme bakýmýndan oldukça sadedir. 2 No.lu Çeþme'nin aynataþý bitkisel bezemelidir. Bu yazýda bir Rum köyünde yer alan çeþmelerin Ýzmir ve Osmanlý'nýn diðer bölgelerinde yer alan çeþmeler içerisindeki yerinin saptanmasý amaçlanmýþtýr..
  • 其他摘要:The content of this article includes the fountains which are located in neighbourhood Altýndað affiliated to District Bornova of Ýzmir. In Ottoman Period, the Greeks mostly used to live in Kokluca which is a village affiliated to Bornova. Many structures of Ottoman Period that is known to be included in this village could not reach the present day. Two fountains of Ottoman Period which are located in the region called as Eskiköy are attention grabbing in terms of both plan features and facade characteristics. The structure which is called as Acý Çeþme at the present time consists of the combination of these two fountains built in different periods. One of the fountain arches was designed as furnace. This indicates that it gains a laundry function to the fountain partly. While the 1st Period Fountain with three facades which of its construction material is not be understood entirely pertains to 18th century, the 2nd Period Fountain built with the materials of stone and brick must be pertain to 19th century. Other fountain that we call as Anonim Fountain is with storage such as Acý Fountain. This fountain may be dated as end of 19th century-beginning of 20th century when the construction material is taken into consideration. The fountains are quite plain in terms of adornment. The 2nd Period Fountain is decorated floral motifs with mirror stone. In this article, it is aimed to determine the location of the fountains which are included in a Greek village in the fountains in other regions of Ýzmir and Ottoman.
  • 关键词:Kokluca; çeþme; cephe; kemer; süsleme
  • 其他关键词:Kokluca; fountain; facade; arch; adornment