摘要:Aim: The main purpose of this study is to explore, analyze and understand the teaching practice of specialized Physical Education (PE) teachers faced to the contingent moment of the class when exercising in the Adapted Physical Activities (APA) which are convened as responses to the basic needs of populations with mental disabilities. Methods: We opted for a cooperative didactic engineering conception linked to a temporal clinical didactic methodology (already-there, test, after-work). Our data collection tools are mainly interviews (ante, post-session, after-work interview), as well as audio and video recording of six gymnastics sessions for each specialized teacher. We relied on a qualitative analysis of data stemming from interviews’ verbatim (the sayings) and from the filming of the teaching “test” (the doings). Results: Our results will be presented as two “didactic vignettes” case studies (Ramzi and Mohamed). The content analysis shows that personal and intern determinants related to the teachers’ history in terms of sports expertise and professional experience depend heavily on their decisional process when they are encountered with the contingency of the teaching “test”. The case study allowed us to prove the singularity of each teacher in his way to conduct and transmit the knowledge stemming from different sources and his own teaching logic that makes him different from the other. Conclusion: The singularity proved in this study reinforces the idea that the most intimate and personal determinants that act out of the control of the teachers affect their link or their relationship to the contingency and the unpredictability of the didactic situation.