标题:O projeto temático “Química e Energia em Prol de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável”: apontamentos iniciais (Thematic Project Chemistry and Energy towards sustainable development: initial appointments)
其他标题:O projeto temático “Química e Energia em Prol de um Desenvolvimento Sustentável”: apontamentos iniciais (Thematic Project Chemistry and Energy towards sustainable development: initial appointments)
摘要:The use of differentiated methodologies allows to make Chemistry classes more attractive and to promote improvements in the teaching / learning process. Thus, in order to promote the active construction of knowledge, the fellows of the Chemistry subproject of the Institutional Program for the Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) of the Federal University of Goiás / Regional Catalão (UFG / RC) developed the Thematic Project "Chemistry and Energy for sustainable development ". One of the proposed activities was the elaboration / development of contextualized / problematized classes denominated "Sensitization". These ones addressed the theme "Energy and Sustainability" and the focus of the classes was the awareness for the use of Sustainable Energies. Thus, it was sought to promote the active subjects’ formation in the knowledge construction. The quantitative analysis was used in order to evaluate the impact of this project on the students’ training, considering the questionnaires as a source of data collection, with the questionnaires as a data collection instrument. It is evaluated that the contextualized classes served as a facilitating methodology of teaching / learning process, since they allowed students to experience activities that gave them an autonomous and critical formation. Thus, it is suggested that more activities of this type be worked on, who’s knowledge contextualization through a real and current problematic can help in the long sought citizen formation..
关键词:Contextualização; Temas geradores; Metodologias diferenciadas; PIBID.