期刊名称:Revista Vasca de Economía Social - Gizarte Ekonomia Euskal Aldizkaria
出版社:Revista Vasca de Economía Social - Gizarte Ekonomia Euskal Aldizkaria
摘要:In this article we want to set up the concept of Transformative Social Innovation capable to get over the present neoliberal stage. As there are many different ways to understand Social Innovation the aim of this article is to use Social Innovation for social transformation. When we talk about Transformative Social Innovation it is necessary a radical change, a breakup with capitalist system in nature, means and organization. Therefore, the intention of this article is to establish the rules for Transformative Social Innovation based on social transformation in order to reconsider the present neoliberal stage and, at the same time, open new ways for society..
其他摘要:In this article we want to set up the concept of Transformative Social Innovation capable to get over the present neoliberal stage. As there are many different ways to understand Social Innovation the aim of this article is to use Social Innovation for social transformation. When we talk about Transformative Social Innovation it is necessary a radical change, a breakup with capitalist system in nature, means and organization. Therefore, the intention of this article is to establish the rules for Transformative Social Innovation based on social transformation in order to reconsider the present neoliberal stage and, at the same time, open new ways for society.
关键词:Berrikuntza Sozial Eraldatzailea; Garapen Eredu Alternatiboa; Ekonomia Sozial eta Solidarioa.