其他摘要:the proposal of this job is centered na the reflexion about the representation building from a typicalfigurre in the Brazilian scene: Jeca Tatu, the caipira, the lazy guy. The construction of this subjet happenedthrough the others view, through writing practices, written by Monteiro Lobato, in A velha praga, andemphasized out by the own author with the short story Urupês. So, this article writing is a result of readingsand researches carried out since a reflexion about the power from the others view, from the speech, therefore, oflanguage, that is a field of representation different regions. It is also present, in this article, an analysis of a studyabout the caboclo in the “planalto agrário gaucho”, beside some dialogues between students and teachers fromthe Master´s degree at Science Mestrado nas Ciências da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do RioGrande do Sul. Based on this study, it is proposed another glance at the speeches and the short stories that havebeen read and considered a part of the group in the Brazilian educational scenery constituting subjects, like: JecaTatu, excluding others, for instance: Ze do Brasil. From this, the need of a questioning glance, a different andcritical thinking according to the Bakhtin and Foucault proposal.
关键词:Jeca Tatu; caipira; preguiçoso; construção discursiva
其他关键词:Jeca Tatu; caboclo; lzy; subject and writind burlding