摘要:This paper proposes an application of hybrid differential evolution with particle swarmoptimization (DEPSO) for transmission line management in power system network. Generationrescheduling is performed to reinstate the system from abnormal to normal operating condition.The identification of overloaded lines is based on computation of overload factor (OLF). Theobjective of the proposed approach is to alleviate the transmission line overload by reducingseverity index (SI) subjected to the power balance, voltage and generator limit constraints. Theeffectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated for different contingency cases in IEEE30 and IEEE 118 bus systems in MATLAB environment and their results are compared withother evolutionary algorithms like Particle swarm optimization (PSO) and Differential evolution(DE). The results show DEPSO approach well proves its ability to remove the line overloadswith a minimum rescheduling cost.