摘要:A power system configuration undergoes frequent changes due to contingencies and/ordisturbances. If the power system survives after the disturbance, it will be operating in a newsteady state in which one or more transmission lines may be overloaded. A corrective controlaction must be taken to eliminate such overloads. The most practiced technique for overloadalleviation is generator rescheduling and/or load shedding. This paper proposes an AdaptiveNeuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based generation reschedule to alleviate transmissionline overloads. The system parameters such as overload factor (OF), generation shift sensitivityfactor (GSSF) and sensitivity of vulnerability index of generation system (SVIGS) are given tothe ANFIS as inputs. The output (ANFISOUT) from the ANFIS gives the quantity of realpower to be rescheduled. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been tested formodified IEEE 30 bus system, 39 bus New England system and modified IEEE 57 bus system inMATLAB environment and their results are compared with fuzzy logic based approach.