摘要:This paper investigates detailed flexible approach for incorporating various flexible alternating currenttransmission systems (FACTS) controllers in multimachine power system environment such as static varcompensator (SVC) and thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) in order to improve power system stability.The incorporation of FACTS devices into multimachine power system requires the development of themathematical model of the power system with FACTS controllers. The differential algebraic equation (DAE)model of multimachine power system with FACTS controllers such as SVC and TCSC devices has been developedin this paper. Despite the fact that SVC and TCSC devices have been incorporated individually in DAE model ofmultimachine system, the DAE model with coordination of FACTS controllers has not been developed. So, themethodology of incorporation of series and shunt FACTS controllers in coordinated control manner in the DAEmodel of power system has been developed in this paper. Thus, the objective of this paper is to develop a generalmethodology of DAE model of power system with incorporation of series and shunt FACTS controllers inindividual and coordinated control manner in order to improve power system stability. The western systemcoordinating council (WSCC) 3-machine, 9-bus system is used to illustrate the application of all proposed modelsand techniques.
关键词:Flexible alternating current transmission systems; static var compensator; thyristor;controlled series capacitor; power system stability; differential algebraic equation.