摘要:The state of art in photovoltaic (PV) power conversion system includes the reduction of ripplesat the input side to increase the life of the PV array as well to extract the maximum powerfrom it for increasing system efficiency. To address these issues, this paper presents the softswitching multi-phase boost converter and modified maximum power point tracking (MPPT)algorithm. The modified MPPT algorithm presented in this paper is capable of tracking multiplepeaks which is the common scenario in partial shaded PV arrays. The soft switching multiphaseboost converter acts as the maximum power point (MPP) tracker. The proposed methodhas been simulated using MatLab with three-phase and four-phase soft switching boostconverters. The impact of increasing the number of phases in the converter topology has beenanalyzed by comparative simulation. Increase in number of phases reduces the ripples at PVside and the soft switching methodology decreases the switching losses in the converter. Thefour-phase soft switching converter interfaced with PV system has been validated experimentallyand the results are presented.