摘要:This paper adopts a typological approach to adpositional phrases in Mazandarani (Mazani), alanguage spoken in the north of Iran, and argues that contrary to many Iranian languages anddialects it enjoys absolute concordance with the OV word order. Mazandarani, having thenoun-postposition and genitive-noun order, is in complete agreement with Greenberg’s (1974)number 2 and 4 universals and at the same time with Vennemann's (1974) NaturalSerialization Principle. Postpositional phrases like kelide ja “with the/a key” and kale myun“in the middle of the garden” indicate that there is no difference between the originalpostpositions and the noun-like postpositions in Mazandarani in this respect. The headdependentword order is a confirmation of the intact typology of Mazandarani. We followHawkins (1983) in claiming that adpositions are better and more general indicators oflanguage types.
关键词:adpositions; head-dependent; language universals; Mazandarani; OV; postpositions