标题:Conceptual Framework of Supply Chain Management -Information System for Curriculum ManagementBased on Thailand Qualifications Framework forHigher Education
期刊名称:International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains
摘要:The objectives of this research are (1) to synthesize a conceptual framework of supply chain managementinformation system (SCM-IS) for curriculum management based on Thailand Qualifications Framework forHigher Education; and (2) to evaluate the conceptual framework of supply chain management- informationsystem (SCM-IS) for curriculum management based on Thailand Qualifications Framework for HigherEducation. The research sample totalling 10 experts consisted of five experts on supply chainmanagement, two experts on curriculum, and three experts on information technology. The employedresearch instrument is a questionnaire. Statistics employed for data analysis are mean and standarddeviation.The research methodology consisted of six phases: (1) the studies and syntheses of related documents,research studies, and articles; (2) the drafting of preliminary conceptual framework; (3) the identificationof experts; (4) the development of an evaluation form to assess appropriateness of the conceptualframework; (5) the data collection and analysis; and (6) the final improvement of the conceptualframework based on suggestions of the experts.Research findings show that the synthesized conceptual framework of supply chain management -information system (SCM-IS) for curriculum management based on Thailand Qualifications Framework forHigher Education comprises four main components, namely, Suppliers, University (Manufacturer),Education Customers, and Consumer. Evaluation results by the experts show the evaluation rating meanof 4.07 with standard deviation of 1.10 indicating that the conceptual framework is considered to be at thegood level. Furthermore, evaluation results of appropriateness for sub-components are as follows:1. The appropriateness rating mean for sub-components of the Supplier component is 4.15, which can beinterpreted to be at the good level.2. The appropriateness rating mean for sub-components of the University component is 4.20, which can beinterpreted to be at the good level. This is because the University component contains the sub-componentsat the decision making level of the educational supply chain. 3. The appropriateness rating mean for sub-components of the Education Customers component is 4.20, which can be interpreted to be at the good level. This is because the Education Customers component contains the sub-components of direct service receivers. 4. The appropriateness rating mean for sub-components of the Consumer component is 4.10, which can be interpreted to be at the good level. This is because the Consumer component contains the sub-component of customers as the end-of-supply chain process that affect the quality of graduates to be delivered to the society. The overall evaluation result for the synthesized conceptual framework of supply chain managementinformation system (SCM-IS) for curriculum management based on Thailand Qualifications Framework for Higher Education shows the overall rating mean of 4.14 and standard deviation of 1.00, which means that the synthesized conceptual framework is appropriate at the high level and can be appropriately applied in actual work settings.
关键词:Supply Chain Management; Information System; Curriculum Management; Thailand Qualifications;Framework for Higher Education