期刊名称:International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains
摘要:The advent of the internet and information technology has revolutionarized the way small mediumenterprise do business, particularly those that in the silk industry. This preliminary research will look atthe definitions of e-commerce by various authors including Turban et al (2002) and Nezu (2001). Adefinition of commerce will be suggested that takes into account all the areas in e-commerce includingbusiness-to-business e-commerce and intrabusiness e-commerce which are usually not mentioned in manydefinitions of e-commerce.The new types of products i.e. digital products as well as the new businessmodels which include content, affiliate and customization will be mentioned. The impact of technology onthe value chain in particular disintermediation and cybermediation with relevancies from the IndonesianSilk Industry will be discussed.The theory of Diffusion of Innovation will be stated used to understand theevolution of the internet and the adoption of web technologies by SME.Finally, the future of e-commercewhich includes the lessons learnt from start-up failures and the way that click-and-mortar industries canbe successful will be discussed.
关键词:E-commerce;small medium enterprises;disintermediaries; cybermediaries; silk industry