期刊名称:International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains
摘要:Smallholder beef subsector can potentially contribute to the nation’s development. The paper presents theresults of the value chain analysis of the beef sub sector in Zimbabwe. Data was gathered through crosssectional household survey of 380 beef farmers, six community focus group discussions, key informantinterviews and interviews of value chain actors. Empirical results showed that profitability of beefmarketing by farmers is constrained by low productivity caused by longer calving intervals, poor animalhusbandry practices and lack of market information .Three existing beef cattle value chains were identified.A total of 91% of the producers sold cattle to the informal livestock market and only 9% through formalmarket. Body condition, health of animal and age were reported as major factors used in setting cattleprices. The study recommends setting up breeding programs, improved husbandry practices, improvingfarmer access to market information and collective action among farmers.
关键词:Value chain; beef sub sector; marketing margins; Zimbabwe