摘要:The prospective teachers can effectively master Technological Pedagogical andContent Knowledge (TPACK) through the application of technology-based guidedinquiry as an effort to enhance technology literacy, learning quality and also as amedium for problem-solving. This study aimed at analyzing the impact on theimplementation of technology-based guided inquiry to improve students’ TPACKability. This study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design. The researchpopulation was the students of Biology Education Department, Syiah KualaUniversity, Indonesia. The research sample was 47 students taken with purposivesampling technique. The research instruments employed a test and a questionnaire.The data were analyzed using a paired sample t-test and quantitative descriptive.The results showed that students' understanding of TPACK according to allassessment aspects can be categorized as “very good”. In details, the contentknowledge had a higher posttest score than the pretest. Therefore, it can beconcluded that the application of technology-based guided inquiry has a significantimpact to improve the students’ understanding of TPACK including ContentKnowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) and Technological Knowledge(TK). The application of guided inquiry learning on TPACK can restructureteachers’ experience for their professional development by designing their ownlearning materials with technology use.