摘要:Using statistical software only or Excel only was not effective to increase thelearning achievements of undergraduates. The research aimed to describe the effectof using Minitab and Excel with teaching teams toward the undergraduates’achievements of Advanced Statistics course. The research design was anexperimental study. The research was conducted in nine stages. The participantswere all mathematics education undergraduates from one of the state universities ofPalangka Raya in three academic years, i.e. from 2015/2016 to 2017/2018. Theinstruments were lecture plans, midterm and final tests, and textbook of AdvancedStatistics. The conclusion was drawn using covariance analysis and t-test ofnormalized gain. The research result showed that implementation learning ofAdvanced Statistics integrated Minitab and Excel with teaching teams increase theundergraduates’ achievements in which the normalized gain was more than 0.3(moderate increasing). In addition, the increase was also indicated by the averagedifferences of the final and the initial scores at the first, the second, and the thirdyears were 7.0, 12.5, and 19.4 respectively. The increase consistently occurred forthe three academic years with a confidence level of 95%. The lecture plans couldbe used as an alternative way to teach Statistics courses.