摘要:Background: The paper is devoted to implementation of the omnichannel concept using the ranking ofopportunities. Opportunities were obtained from a SWOT/TOWS analysis and Thurstone’s method is used for ranking.The SWOT/TOWS analysis is one of the most basic analytical methods and the result of this analysis indicates a generalstrategy. Based upon previous authors’ experiences in using SWOT/TOWS, we can conclude that this analysis is ofteninsufficient for decisions to be taken, as it lacks information on what factors should be prioritized over others inimplementing the chosen strategy. Further analysis is required to confirm the next steps should be in implementingcorporate strategy, and this analysis is performed using different methods.Methods: Based on the previously developed SWOT/TOWS analysis, the authors created an algorithm for makingdecisions in logistics in terms of implementing the concept of omnichannel. In the methodology, an algorithm mergingSWOT/TOWS analysis with Thurstone’s method is presented. The results of this paper show how making decisions inlogistics can be more accurate using Thurstone’s method in conjunction with SWOT/TOWS analysis. Thurstone’smethod is used to sort all factors in implementing the omnichannel concept.Results: A grouped list of opportunities from the most critical to the least crucial correspond with the present state of themarket. Using Thurstone’s method together with SWOT/TOWS analysis will result in a more complete set of data to usein the decision-making process in implementing the omnichannel concept. Combining the results of the two analysescreates a methodology for ranking opportunities for implementing the omnichannel concept.Conclusions: The method for making decisions in implementing the omnichannel concept presented here gives moreinformation for managers than using each of these analysis separately. The main advantage of using both analyses is thatrisk is reduced during implementation and a list of factors is produced that can be used in the following decisions.