摘要:Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep disorderedbreathing, with a signifi cant impact on health-related quality of life (HR-QoL).Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the gold-standard treatment formoderate-severe OSA, but is associated with poor patient compliance (due tofi nancial issues and frequent side eff ects). The purpose of this study is to evaluateHR-QoL among patients with moderate-severe OSA from North-Eastern Romania,at baseline and after 2 months of CPAP. 75 patients were initially included in ourstudy but only 59 subjects returned for a second evaluation. HR-QoL was assessedusing the European Quality of Life 5 Domain questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L). OSA hasa signifi cant impact on quality of life in our group, with an average EQ-5D-5L indexof 0.70±0.27 and an EQ-5D-5L Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) of 63.71±17.74%.Short-term CPAP use was associated with a statistically signifi cant improvementin Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Δ = 4.44, p 4000 lei/month) decided to continue using the device, while the decisionnot to continue CPAP was signifi cantly more frequent among patients with a lowincome (< 1000 lei /month - 52.63% versus 21.21%, p=0.01). Our results suggestthat income level signifi cantly infl uences CPAP compliance.
关键词:obstructive sleep apnea; CPAP; quality of life; EQ;5D;5L; Epworth;Sleepiness Scale; social status; social life