摘要:Il problema di approntare edizioni che siano leggibili da parte di un pubblico ampio e al contempo corrette sul piano testuale, sfruttando edizioni critiche e studi specialistici, è sempre più al centro delle riflessioni degli editori, divisi fra la necessità di realizzare apparati complessi (ma poco accessibili all’utente medio) e la volontà di un’ampia divulgazione. Occorre che gli editori mettano in atto una politica editoriale differenziata, al fine di fornire al lettore comune commenti e introduzioni che diano conto, oltre che delle competenze che l’autore del testo presupponeva per i lettori del suo tempo (cosa invero complessa da stabilire con certezza), anche del farsi del testo e della sua complessità storica, al fine di stimolarlo a un approfondimento anche sul piano del dato testuale. And which reader for which edition? Publishers are gradually focusing their attention on sorting out editions which are both readable by ‘common’ readers and textually correct, and both educational and with a grounded philological basis. They often use scholarly editions and specialized studies for educational editions, but they should develop a differentiated publishing policy, in order to give to the common reader comments and introductions whose aim should be to explain the original historical context of the work (which knowledge did authors presume from their contemporaneous readers?), the work’s fortune in times, and the complex evolution of the work, so as to arouse readers’ curiosity.
其他摘要:Publishers are gradually focusing their attention on sorting out editions which are both readable by ‘common’ readers and textually correct, and both educational and with a grounded philological basis. They often use scholarly editions and specialized studies for educational editions, but they should develop a differentiated publishing policy, in order to give to the common reader comments and introductions whose aim should be to explain the original historical context of the work (which knowledge did authors presume from their contemporaneous readers?), the work’s fortune in times, and the complex evolution of the work, so as to arouse readers’ curiosity.