出版社:Faculty of Econimics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
摘要:A research to examined the effect service quality toward student satisfaction, effect of service quality toward word of mouth valence, effect of student satisfaction toward word of mouth valence of student University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The treatment were used questionnaire, each statement on questionnaire used to know respondent respon very disagree until very agree. Based on answer questionnaire result collected 105 responden, data were analysis technique of Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result show that service quality has a positive influence and significant toward student satisfaction, service quality has a positive influence but not significant toward word of mouth valence, student satisfaction has a positive influence and significant toward word of mouth valence. Data result show that service quality has an indirect positive influence toward word of mouth valence through student satisfaction. Student satisfaction has a direct positive influence and significant toward word of mouth valence on private university.
关键词:service quality; satisfaction; word of mouth valence