标题:Styles of political leadership of democratically elected presidents in Latin America: a study using probabilistic models/Estilos de liderazgo político de las presidentas elegidas democráticamente en Latinoamérica: un estudio usando modelos probabilísticos
摘要:En el siglo pasado las mujeres alcanzaron un rol sobresaliente en América Latina. Esto puede percibirse en el acceso al mercado laboral y a la esfera política. El primer logro se observa a través del incremento de la tasa de mujeres que acceden a un trabajo remunerado, y el segundo se percibe en la paulatina adquisición de derechos políticos como: el derecho al sufragio y el derecho a la posibilidad de acceder a puestos públicos. El presente estudio busca contribuir en la identificación del liderazgo ejercido en el ámbito político, tomando concretamente como objeto de estudio las seis primeras mujeres que ocuparon el cargo presidencial en países latinoamericanos: Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Mireya Elisa Moscoso, Michel Bachelet, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Laura Chinchilla Miranda y Dilma Vana Rousseff.
其他摘要:The present article aims to identify the leadership styles exercised by six presidents in Latin America. For the development of the document a documentary analysis was carried out that included primary and secondary sources in order to reconstruct the socio-historical context within which the six women studied could capitalize on their political trajectories and reveal their leadership styles. In addition, a Probit model was used to determine how different the governments of the presidents studied compared to their male predecessors. The results of the research gave as common denominator a profile of democratic leadership for the presidents with heterogeneity in the cases of promotion to power, evidencing also that their speeches were based on the necessity to generate an agreement on the convenience of their proposals for all the parents. In probabilistic terms it is concluded that the style of government of women and men in Latin America is transactional, and did not change when passing power from one to another.