标题:Activities of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Regarding Sediment-Related Disaster Prevention Using Non-Structural Measures, Based on Japa Nese SABO Technology
摘要:In the project activities of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC), the National institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), the SABO (Erosion and Sediment Control) Department of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and the SABO and Landslide Technical Center (STC) implemented two projects: "Sediment-related Disaster Forecasting Warning System Project" (2002-2008) and "Project on Hazard Mapping for Sediment-related Disasters" (2009-2012). The aim of these projects was to distribute Japanese SABO technology, particularly non-structural measures, among TC members. This report presents the concepts and methods related to non-structural measures for sediment-related disaster prevention based on Japanese SABO technology, the contents of the two projects' activities, the preparation of early warning information, the creation of a hazard map, and the preparation of an integrated system for resident evacuation.