摘要:Dropout causes are varied, as is the way in which they are researched.In this paper, we study the correlation between student perceptionsof the teaching–learning environment and dropping out by investigatingthe interaction between students and the teaching–learning environmentbefore the students make the decision to stay or leave. Survey datafrom 4,339 students at a major research-intensive Danish universitycombined with administrative data were analysed, and the resultspoint to two main differences between stayers and leavers. First,students who later decided to leave university found their coursesto be less interesting and less relevant compared to the experienceof the students staying, and second, students with a high academicself-efficacy belief are less at risk of dropping out of their universitystudies. A methodological strength of the study is that studentperceptions were measured when the students were all still enrolled.This reduces the risk of the leavers’ perception being affectedby their decision to leave.