摘要:Students’ grades are increasingly important in defining theirfuture employability, and therefore, securing a fair assessmentof students’ theses is important. This study aimed to assess thelevel of grade correspondence between internal and external examinersof occupational therapy students’ bachelor theses, and to evaluatethe overall level of grades initially set by examiners in the twogroups. The grades initially suggested for 67 bachelor theses wereanalyzed. Absolute agreement between internal and external examinerswas estimated as the proportion of theses on which the examinerssuggested identical grades (percentage agreement), and consistencyin agreement was estimated by the intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC). There was absolute agreement between the internal and the externalexaminers in 33 of the 67 cases (49.3 %), and also consistency inagreement was high (ICC = 0.81, 95 % CI [0.68, 0.88], p < 0.001).The results from this study demonstrate a high level of agreementbetween internal and external examiners of occupational therapy students’bachelor theses. However, internal examiners as a group are moreprone to give high grades compared to external examiners, and thismay support the continued use of two examiners to ensure qualityin grading.