摘要:The complex structure of the Plan Director [Guiding Plan] compels to establish a Methodology which assume in a consistent way the various operational modes posed by a wide range offields of humanistic and scientific research. As the primary thread to follow. we resort to the popperian falsationism, basically interconnected to three different ways of approarhing phenomena: successive-approach recurrentes, circular processes of multifarious confrontation, and analysis. all of them understood in the scientific meaning of the expressions. Extrapolations and intrapolations only assume secondary functions of corroboration, not being changed themselves, because of this, into substantial parts of the method. The main methodological novelty lies in the processes of selfcriticism which are formulated on the merhodology, in such a way that, keeping up the umbilical cord of the popperian corroborations, even the method itself, as unique way, is under question. since the falsation processes are taken deep to the bottom of the structure of rhe logic system in use. Thar is to say, we reject the mechanisms of authomatic acceprance as modes of generation of analysis, to preven? the inertial feed-back processes from non prima facies causes. either subjective or acritically assumed ones.