摘要:Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe: (1) the differences in students' needs for cafeterias at the Ma'arif Foundation elementary and high schools in Malang; (2) the types of foods and drinks cafeterias needed by students in elementary and high schools of the Ma'arif Foundation in Malang City; (3) the differences of range of prices of food and beverages needed by students in elementary and high schools in the Ma'arif Foundation in Malang; (4) the different characteristics of cafeterias that required by students in the Ma'arif Foundation elementary and high schools in Malang. This research uses a quantitative approach with a comparative descriptive design. The sampling technique used in this study was a random sampling technique. Samples obtained as many as 328 from a total population of 1807 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The conclusions of this study: (1) there is a significant difference, namely Ma'arif Elementary School students need more snacks while Ma'arif High School students need heavy food; (2) the types of foods and drinks required by Ma'arif Elementary School students include toast, buns, bake cakes, donuts, pastels, mini moonlight, snacks, brownies, ice tea, orange ice. While the types of foods needed by high school students are meatball, fresh vegetables, grilled chicken, mineral water; (3) Students of Ma'arif Elementary School need a price range of Rp. 500.00 - Rp. 3,000.00 while Ma'arif High School students Rp. 500.00 - Rp. 5,000.00; (4) the cafeteria characteristics needed at Ma'arif Elementary School is the location of the school canteen which closer to the classroom and open space canteen while in Ma'arif high school, buyers are served directly by the canteen officer using a tray. Keyword: Students Needs, School Cafeterias Service Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan : (1) perbedaan kebutuhan peserta didik terhadap kafetaria di SD dan SMA Yayasan Ma’arif se- Kota Malang; (2) jenis makanan dan minuman kafetaria yang dibutuhkan peserta didik di SD dan SMA Yayasan Ma’arif se- Kota Malang; (3) perbedaan rentangan harga makanan dan minuman yang dibutuhkan peserta didik di SD dan SMA Yayasan Ma’arif se- Kota Malang; (4) perbedaan karakteristik kafetaria yang dibutuhkan peserta didik di SD dan SMA Yayasan Ma’arif se- Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan deskriptif komparatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik random sampling . Sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 328 dari jumlah populasi sebanyak 1807 peserta didik. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket. Simpulan penelitian ini: (1) secara signifikan terdapat perbedaan yaitu peserta didik SD Ma’arif lebih membutuhkan makanan ringan sedangkan untuk peserta didik SMA Ma’arif lebih membutuhkan makanan berat; (2) jenis makanan dan minuman yang dibutuhkan peserta didik SD Ma’arif antara lain roti bakar, bakpao, kue cucur, donat, pastel, terang bulan mini, snack, brownis, es teh, es jeruk. Sedangkan jenis makanan yang dibutuhkan peserta didik SMA bakso, lalapan ayam, ayam bakar, air mineral; (3) peserta didik SD Ma’arif membutuhkan rentangan harga Rp500,00- Rp3.000,00 sedangkan peserta didik SMA Ma’arif Rp500,00- Rp5.000,00; (4) karakteristik kafetaria yang dibutuhkan di SD Ma’arif lokasi kantin sekolah yang dekat dengan kelas dan kantin dengan ruangan terbuka sedangkan di SMA Ma’arif dimana pembeli dilayani secara langsung oleh petugas kantin dan penyajiannya menggunakan baki.
其他摘要:Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe: (1) the differences in students' needs for cafeterias at the Ma'arif Foundation elementary and high schools in Malang; (2) the types of foods and drinks cafeterias needed by students in elementary and high schools of the Ma'arif Foundation in Malang City; (3) the differences of range of prices of food and beverages needed by students in elementary and high schools in the Ma'arif Foundation in Malang; (4) the different characteristics of cafeterias that required by students in the Ma'arif Foundation elementary and high schools in Malang. This research uses a quantitative approach with a comparative descriptive design. The sampling technique used in this study was a random sampling technique. Samples obtained as many as 328 from a total population of 1807 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The conclusions of this study: (1) there is a significant difference, namely Ma'arif Elementary School students need more snacks while Ma'arif High School students need heavy food; (2) the types of foods and drinks required by Ma'arif Elementary School students include toast, buns, bake cakes, donuts, pastels, mini moonlight, snacks, brownies, ice tea, orange ice. While the types of foods needed by high school students are meatball, fresh vegetables, grilled chicken, mineral water; (3) Students of Ma'arif Elementary School need a price range of Rp. 500.00 - Rp. 3,000.00 while Ma'arif High School students Rp. 500.00 - Rp. 5,000.00; (4) the cafeteria characteristics needed at Ma'arif Elementary School is the location of the school canteen which closer to the classroom and open space canteen while in Ma'arif high school, buyers are served directly by the canteen officer using a tray.
关键词:kebutuhan peserta didik; layanan kafetaria sekolah Full Text: PDF References Agustin; S. 2015. Analisis Faktor- faktor Kebiasaan Siswa Membeli Makanan Jajanan di Sekolah (Studi Eksploratori) pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas Kota Malang. Skripsi tidak diterbitkan. Malang: AP FIP Universitas Negeri Malang.