摘要:Abstract: A teachers have a very important role in the achievement of a goal education.Basically management teachers fully had an enormous impact and regarded as the key in improving the quality of education.Yet management teachers was intended to produce professional teachers so that it can be created an output that capable, having budi sublime are good and profitable to the nation.The development of science and technology ( science and technology ) then the system education also increase significantly, this might impact on the needs teachers. This Non Permanent Teacher (GTT) also has the status a very vital at the school due to the presence of gtt very petrified school.The majority gtt is those who can afford to controls science and in accordance with the developments of the times. Keyword: Needs, Recruitment, Selection, Compensation. Abstrak: Guru mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dalam pencapaian tujuan pendidikan. Pada dasarnya pengelolaan guru sepenuhnya mempunyai pengaruh yang sangat besar dan dianggap sebagai kunci utama dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Hakikatnya pengelolaan guru bertujuan untuk menghasilkan guru yang profesional sehingga dapat menciptakan output yang cakap, memiliki budi luhur yang baik dan berguna bagi bangsa. Semakin berkembangnya Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) maka sistem pendidikan juga ikut meningkat, hal ini berdampak pada kebutuhan guru. Guru Tidak Tetap (GTT) juga memiliki kedudukan yang sangat vital disekolah karena keberadaan GTT sangat membatu sekolah. Mayoritas GTT adalah mereka yang mampu menguasi Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman.
其他摘要:Abstract: A teachers have a very important role in the achievement of a goal education.Basically management teachers fully had an enormous impact and regarded as the key in improving the quality of education.Yet management teachers was intended to produce professional teachers so that it can be created an output that capable, having budi sublime are good and profitable to the nation.The development of science and technology ( science and technology ) then the system education also increase significantly, this might impact on the needs teachers. This Non Permanent Teacher (GTT) also has the status a very vital at the school due to the presence of gtt very petrified school.The majority gtt is those who can afford to controls science and in accordance with the developments of the times.