摘要:Dispute resolution has been formally institutionalized through the courts, but not all the people in Pamekasan can access easily judiciary. In Rural Society priority harmony as the basis for solving their problems, because these mechanisms more cheap, simple, accordance with their customs and culture but this mechanism not legitimated. Socio-Legal Research methods used to explore and examine the potential mechanisms of informal dispute based on customs in Pamekasan, through in-depth interviews and sec- ondary data collection obtained typology of dispute / disputes land based sources of conflict and Mapping Reformers. Statute Approach and case approach was to construct a new building for the legitimacy of non- state mechanisms (Non-State Justice) which dominates land disputes models in Pamekasan. Results of this study, Pamekasan society resistant to the land disputes culture involving figures outside the formal mechanisms. There are three options land disputes models in Pamekasan by using actor resolver likes kalebun/Village Head, “Kyai” and Judge of Court. This proves the existence of pluralistic legal system in Indonesia. Regional Autonomy Act number 32 of 2004 and Act No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alterna- tive Dispute Resolution provides an opportunity to build a judicial function at the village and to be access for justice to society and legitimated based on local wisdom.
其他摘要:AB S TRAC T D i s pu t e resolution ha s been formally institutionalized through the courts, but not all the people in Pamekasan can access easily judiciary. In Rural Society priority harmony as the basis for solving their problems, because these mechanisms more cheap, simple, accordance with their customs and culture but this mechanism not legitimated. Socio-Legal Research methods used to explore and examine the potential mechanisms of informal dispute based on customs in Pamekasan, through in-depth interviews and sec- ondary data collection obtained typology of dispute / disputes land based sources of conflict and Mapping Reformers. Statute Approach and case approach was to construct a new building for the legitimacy of non- state mechanisms (Non-State Justice) which dominates land disputes models in Pamekasan. Results of this study, Pamekasan society resistant to the land disputes culture involving figures outside the formal mechanisms. There are three options land disputes models in Pamekasan by using actor resolver likes kalebun/Village Head, “Kyai” and Judge of Court. This proves the existence of pluralistic legal system in Indonesia. Regional Autonomy Act number 32 of 2004 and Act No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alterna- tive Dispute Resolution provides an opportunity to build a judicial function at the village and to be access for justice to society and legitimated based on local wisdom. Key Words : Al ternative, Dispute Resolution, Land Dispute A b s t ra k Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model proses penyelesaian di luar pengadilan atau dalam bentuk peradilan non-negara (non-State Justice) sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Peneltian ini menggunakan metode s osio legal research. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan pengumpulan data sekunder . Pendekatan perundang-undangan (stat- ute approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach) dilakukan untuk mengkonstruksi bangunan baru bagi legitimasi mekanisme non negara ( Non-State Justice) yang mendominasi pola-pola penyelesaian sengketa tanah di Kabupaten Pamekasan. Analisis dilakukan dengan menafsirkan data yang diperoleh secara induksi dan membandingkan, menguji atau memverifikasi dengan teori yang sudah ada. Pembandingan atau pengujian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaitkan temuan dengan teori yang mengkaji hal-hal yang menjadi fokus penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat di Kabupaten Pamekasan resisten dengan budaya penyelesaian sengketa tanah yang melibatkan tokoh-tokoh diluar mekanisme formal. Terdapat tiga pilihan pola penyelesaian di Kabupaten Pamekasan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa tanah yaitu dengan menggunakan aktor penyelesai Kalebun/Kepala Desa, Kyai dan Hakim di Pengadilan. Hal ini membuktikan adanya pluralistis sistem hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Undang-Undang Pemerintahan Daerah nomor 32 Tahun 2004 serta Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa memberikan peluang untuk membangun fungsi yudisial di tingkat desa sebagai upaya untuk mendekatkan akses keadilan terhadap masyarakat dan melegitimasi berbagai pola penyelesaian yang berbasis pada kearifan lokal. Keywords : Alternatif, Penyelesaian Sengketa, Sengketa