摘要:Розглянуті питання реалізації в Україні програми з професійної підготовки фахівців у сфері інтелектуальної власності (ІВ) з урахуванням досвіду розвинених країн світу. Показана необхідність систематизації спеціалізацій і магістерських освітніх програм, висвітлені проблеми змістовного і організаційного характеру та запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення освіти в цій царині.
其他摘要:There was established a necessity to increase the role of intellectual property (IP) as a motive force of the economy, based on knowledge. It was elucidated, that Ukraine has rather high rating level at the market of intellectual goods and services by the intellectual and educational potential, but the state urgently needs a training of high-qualified specialists in IP field, able to favor realization of tasks, inherent to modernity, especially, further formation of the intellectual property market, increase of competitiveness of enterprises, protection of individual author results. There was ascertained the imbalance between specialists’ training in the aforesaid field and demands of the labor market, solution of problems of the choice of forms of protection and commercialization of objects of intellectual property, introduction of modern innovation activity management technologies, adequate to modern conditions. There was formulated the author view on the list of key competences, must be acquired by MA graduates in the sphere of intellectual property, substantiation of a necessity of further popularization of knowledge on IP problems, harmonization of the system “education-science-production-market”. There were determined the ways of solving problems, connected with creation and effective use of intellectual property in all spheres of social activity