摘要:This paper discusses the fatwa from DSN-MUI about the maintenance of the Hajj using two contract, namely Ijara as the main contract and qardh the form of bailout funds pilgrimage (if re- quired); between funds qardh with ujrah there should be no taaluq; and these in line with the fatwa council hisbah Exactly. The question by the community is the practice of financing the maintenance of the Hajj by a number of Islamic banks. Of this paper can be concluded that the financing arrangement pilgrimage serves as Kasab/initiative/effort for financing receiver pilgrimage of Islamic Financial Insti- tutions. Method of payment on the debt qardh Taqsith considered more easy than by saving. Through- out not used negatively, financing the maintenance of pilgrimage by Islamic Financial Institutions are not contrary to the concept of fi istithaah there al-hajj.
关键词:fatwa DSN-MUI; ijarah; qardh; taqsith; istitha’ah fi ada’ al-hajj.