摘要:This study is purposed to: (1) Determine the influence of education level (APS SMA) to the level of poverty in the province of Banten during 2005 to 2013, (2) Determine the influence of Gross Regional Domestic Product to poverty in Banten province during 2005 to 2013, (3) Determine the the influence of regional minimum wage to poverty in Banten province during 2005 to 2013. The method of this research uses panel data analysis by combine the time series and cross section data. The data is colected from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) publication of Banten Province. The result of research show that the variable of education level, Gross Regional Domestic Product and Regional Minimum Wage have significant influence to poverty in the province of Banten.
关键词:Kemiskinan; tingkat pendidikan; Produk Domestik Regional Bruto; Upah Minimum Regional.