期刊名称:Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina
出版社:Asociación Paleontológica Argentina
摘要:Twenty two samples of honey from the north of Corrientes (Argentina) were analyzed; thirteen from the phytogeographic province Chaqueña (Northwestern of Corrientes) and nine, from the Paranaense province (Northeastern). Sixteen samples of honey showed a mixed floral origin while the remaining had a monofloral origin (Astronium balansae Engl., Citrus spp., Salix spp. or Eryngium spp). Other taxa commonly present in the samples were Eucalyptus spp., Sapium haematospermum Muell. Arg. and Acicarpha tribuloides Juss. The samples of honey from "Paranaense" province were characterized by the presence of Ilex spp. and Echium plantagineum L. The quantitative analysis showed that most samples could be included within Classes II (31.243-64.419 grain/10 gramme of honey) and III (107.146-332.635 grain/10 gramme of honey) by Maurizio. KEY WORDS. Pollen. Honey. Corrientes. Argentina.