标题:Autopercepción de las reclusas reincidentes en una cárcel colombiana y su relación con el crimen/Self-perception of the recent recluences in a colombian jail and their relationship with the crimer
摘要:Con el objetivo de conocer por primera vez cuál es la autopercepción de las reclusas reincidentes en una cárcel colombiana y su relación con el crimen, se realizó metodológicamente un estudio de naturaleza cualitativa con un diseño fenomenológico. La información se obtuvo de entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a la población de estudio y codificada a través del software Atlas.ti., los datos arrojados sustentan su validez gracias a la técnica triangulación de la información donde intervienen estos últimos, lo arrojado a la luz de la teoría y lo hallado por los investigadores. Los resultados muestran que las convictas no se auto conciben como delincuentes y que esta no tiene relación directa con los actos delincuenciales. Palabras clave Autopercepción; Reclusas; Crimen; Delincuencia. Abstract In order to know first what is the perception of the recidivist inmates in a Colombian jail and its relationship to crime, a qualitative study with a phenomenological design was methodologically conducted. The information was obtained from semi-structured interviews applied to the study population and codified through Atlas.ti software. The data support its validity thrown through technical triangulation of information which involved the latter, the light thrown theory and found by researchers. The results show that convicted not self-conceived as criminals and that this has no direct relationship with criminal acts. Keywords Self-perception; Prisoners; Crime; Delinquency.
其他摘要:In order to know first what is the perception of the recidivist inmates in a Colombian jail and its relationship to crime, a qualitative study with a phenomenological design was methodologically conducted. The information was obtained from semi-structured interviews applied to the study population and codified through Atlas.ti software. The data support its validity thrown through technical triangulation of information which involved the latter, the light thrown theory and found by researchers. The results show that convicted not self-conceived as criminals and that this has no direct relationship with criminal acts.