摘要:Kepolisian Perairan Banten dalam upaya pengembangan terobosan
kreatifnya, sadar akan pentingnya pengetahuan terhadap kehidupan sosial
dan budaya lingkungan operasionalnya. Namun, masalahnya adalah:
Pertama, bagaimana Pola Pengembangan konsep Terobosan Kreatif
Kepolisian Perairan (sebagaimana disingkat menjadi Polair) Polda Banten?; Kedua, bagaimana konsep pengimplementasian terobosan kreatif Kepolisian
Perairan Polda Banten?. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama, Pola
Pengembangan Terobosan Kreatif yang di lakukan Kepolisian Perairan
Banten dalam Rangka Mendorong Eksistensi Kepolisian Perairan di Banten
adalah melakukan sinkronisasi dan koordinasi dengan Dinas Maritim
Provinsi Banten dalam hal pengukuran Kapal, Perumusan Peraturan Daerah
terkait dengan pelayanan terhadap nelayan dan rencana pembuatan samsat
perairan; Kedua, Optimalisasi dukungan Pemda, Akademisi Guna Mengatasi
Situasi, Kebutuhan dan pengimplementasian terobosan kreatif Kepolisian
Perairan Banten dalam rangka Melindungi, Mengayomi, Melayani
Masyarakat, Serta Penegakkan Hukum di Wilayah Perairan dapat di
wujudkan melalui tindakan Preemtif, Preventif dan Edukatif serta kerjasama
yang berkelanjutan dengan membentuk forum maritim sebagai wadah
berkumpulnya instansi-instansi yang membidangi wilayah perairan maritim
serta pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Provinsi Banten.
其他摘要:Marine Police Regional Police Banten Province is breakthrough in the development of creative, aware of the importance of knowledge of the social and cultural life of the operational environment. However, the problem is: First, how the pattern of development of the concept of Creative Breakthroughs Marine Police Banten ?; Second, how the implementation of the concept of creative breakthrough Marine Police Banten?. The results showed that the First, Pattern Creative Breakthrough Development undertaken in the framework of Banten Water Police Pushing Water existence in Banten Police are doing synchronization and coordination with the Department of Maritime Province of Banten in terms of the measurement vessel, Formulation of Local Regulations related to service to the fishermen and the plan of Units waters; Secondly, optimization of local government support, Academics to Overcome situation, needs and implementing creative breakthroughs Marine Police Banten in order to protect, Protects, Serving Society, and Law Enforcement The Regional Water can be embodied through preemptive action, preventive and educative as well as ongoing collaboration with the form as a container maritime forum gathering agencies in charge of maritime waters and ports in Province of Banten.
关键词:Terobosan Kreatif; Kepolisian Perairan; Keamanan;
Penegakan Hukum; Selat Sunda
其他关键词:Creative Breakthroughs; Marine Police; Security; Law Enforcement; Sunda Strait