摘要:Merk: Denne artikkelen ble publisert i tidsskriftet FOU i praksis. Tidsskriftet skiftet navn til Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis i september 2019. Formålet for denne artikkelen er å undersøke i hvilken grad det er sammenheng mellom gjennomførte FoU-aktiviteter i yrkesfaglærerutdanning ved OsloMet og bruk av denne FoU-kompetansen i senere profesjonsutøvelse som yrkesfaglærer. Sammenheng (koherens), overføring (transfer) og mestringserfaring er sentrale begreper i artikkelen. Det er to grupper av deltakere i denne studien. Den første gruppen er yrkesfaglærerstudenter i avslutningsfasen av lærerutdanningen, den andre gruppen er tidligere yrkesfaglærerstudenter som nå arbeider som yrkesfaglærere. Empirien i studien er samlet inn og analysert våren 2017, og er basert på innholdet fra refleksjonsnotater, en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse og kvalitative intervjuer. Funnene indikerer at studentene i avslutningen av studietiden har en positiv holdning til FoU-baserte aktiviteter, og at de også har positive mestringserfaringer og positiv mestringsforventning til å benytte FoU-baserte aktiviteter i profesjonsutøvelsen som lærer. Videre indikerer funnene at tidligere yrkesfaglærerstudenter benytter FoU-baserte aktiviteter i profesjonsutøvelsen som lærer, noe som antyder en relativt høy grad av overføring og sammenheng mellom utdanningskontekst og skolekontekst. Sitér: Spetalen, H. og Eben, B. (2018). FoU-baserte læringsaktiviteter i yrkesfaglærerutdanning. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(3), 29–49. English abstract English title: R&D-based learning activities in Vocational teacher education Coherence between education and professional practice The aim of this article is to examine to what extent there is coherence between research activities in vocational teacher education, and former vocational students’ use of R&D competence in their professional practice as qualified teachers. Coherence, transfer and self-efficacy are central terms in this article.There are two groups of informants in this study. The first is student teachers at the final stage in their vocational teacher education. The second is former students, now working as qualified vocational teachers. The data in the study are based on reflection notes, interviews and survey, collected and analysed in the spring of 2017.Our results indicate that student teachers in the final phase of their education have a positive attitude to R&D based learning activities. Further, that they also have experience with and expectations of mastering R&D based learning activities in their professional practice as vocational teachers. Furthermore, the results indi-cate that former students are using R&D based learning activities in their work as vocational teachers, indicating a relatively high degree of transfer and coherence between educational context and school (working) context.
其他摘要:Note: This article was published in the journal FOU i praksis. The journal changed its name to Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis in September 2019. English title: R&D-based learning activities in Vocational teacher education Coherence between education and professional practice The aim of this article is to examine to what extent there is coherence between research activities in vocational teacher education, and former vocational students’ use of R&D competence in their professional practice as qualified teachers. Coherence, transfer and self-efficacy are central terms in this article.There are two groups of informants in this study. The first is student teachers at the final stage in their vocational teacher education. The second is former students, now working as qualified vocational teachers. The data in the study are based on reflection notes, interviews and survey, collected and analysed in the spring of 2017.Our results indicate that student teachers in the final phase of their education have a positive attitude to R&D based learning activities. Further, that they also have experience with and expectations of mastering R&D based learning activities in their professional practice as vocational teachers. Furthermore, the results indi-cate that former students are using R&D based learning activities in their work as vocational teachers, indicating a relatively high degree of transfer and coherence between educational context and school (working) context. Citation: Spetalen, H. og Eben, B. (2018). FoU-baserte læringsaktiviteter i yrkesfaglærerutdanning. Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis, 12(3), 29–49.